Jarosław Świącik
I was born in 1988.
My pseudonym: jswiacik
I love writing, reading and listening to people. When I have read Edward Stachura’s poems for the first time I thought I’d like to be able to describe the world in a similar way. After couple of years I have developed my own style 😉
One day a girl wrote something like that:
„I have printed your poems and hung them on the wall over my desk. Thanks”
That’s a part of a book I have written “If you knew” (title in progress) 🙂 I’ve translated it by myself, so please excuse me if the quality is not that good!
Running my fingers through your hair
We should paint our memories with a french breakfast and a kiss at the top of the Eiffel Tower. We should lost ourselves during a stroll through the Field of Mars and for good forget about the time. In the right time cuddle each other and look at every detail that attracts our attention. We could run to the Tube station and visit a fair, pass the buses and miss some trams, smile at people, be thankful and make some silly faces. We should live it, not only “be there”, live life to the fullest and run my fingers through your hair.
We could wake up early in the morning and read some Stachura’s poems. I wouldn’t let you sleep and just kiss. I could put an arm around your waist and cover against the cold evening wind. We could go along the Loire River and feel the city, the paintings painted with peoples’ hands, their great effort, blood and dreams. I would scream as loud as possible how much I need you. No-one would understood, but if someone would, then she or he could wave at us smiling or get really angry with us.